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Articles and Case Studies

Our Consultants write about our work with clients.
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Do You Understand Your Survey Results?

Many companies spend considerable amounts of money on customer and employee surveys every year. The survey results are used to amend strategies, design new products and services, focus improvement activities, target staff development activities and … to celebrate success.

The question is: Can we always rely on what we see?


Do You Have Quality Conversations with Your Staff?

During my time at one public service organisation in Singapore, I recognised one day that I had a problem calling my staff by their name. Even worse, I did not know anything about my more junior level officers. Of course, I met my managers and deputies quite often. But, some of the executives I did not have any chance to engage in a chat with.


Can Our Staff Innovate?

Innovation has drawn tremendous attention in the business world over the last decades and seems to be up on the radar screens again. The character of Innovation has changed over time from the traditional research-based theory towards the knowledge-driven approach that is based heavily on our social networks. It has made its way from the laboratory into all parts of business and personal life.


Don’t Procrastinate Feedback

By using the SBI technique, the feedback is rather focusing on facts – neither on person nor on assumptions. This helps to make it less threatening and easier to digest. It goes like that: Specify the Situation, describe the Behaviour, state the Impact of the Behaviour. See some examples here…


Making Sense of the Wilcoxon Test

At MyInsurance, survey results have been collected in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The rating was done on a 10-point Likert ranging from 1 … very poor to 10 … outstanding. As always, the upper 3 points, i.e. 8, 9 and 10, are seen as customer is satisfied. All other ratings are undesirable. How did MyInsurance do over the years?


Demystifying Lean Six Sigma

MYTH: LEAN SIX SIGMA HAS MANY TOOLS I DO NOT NEED. Certainly, life is much easier without the need to choose between 50 advanced tools for problem solving. However, if the only tool available is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In reality, there is a multitude of process problems that need more than a hammer…


Beware the Hawthorne

“We have great news for you. Our project is delivering results already.” The team is all smiles when they give this update during the project meeting. The carefully prepared graphs unveil a remarkably shorter time for the whole process, from customer request to delivery of results. “We have applied a hypothesis test and the result is significant with a p-value of flat zero!”


Do You Know About Your Moment of Truth?

The Moment of Truth is the short timeframe when a customer experiences the product or service that many people have often prepared over months. It is the moment when a small, often unintentional mishap has the huge potential to spoil the result of hard work by others in the organisation behind the scenes.

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