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The New Normal – So How?

The Year of the Golden Rat has presented us with unusual challenges we have newer seen before. Again. The last Rat, the Earth Rat, had given us the financial crisis. This one has brought Covid.
So, what can possibly be good about this Rat? It forced us to create the New Normal!


Do You Have Quality Conversations with Your Staff?

During my time at one public service organisation in Singapore, I recognised one day that I had a problem calling my staff by their name. Even worse, I did not know anything about my more junior level officers. Of course, I met my managers and deputies quite often. But, some of the executives I did not have any chance to engage in a chat with.


Don’t Procrastinate Feedback

By using the SBI technique, the feedback is rather focusing on facts – neither on person nor on assumptions. This helps to make it less threatening and easier to digest. It goes like that: Specify the Situation, describe the Behaviour, state the Impact of the Behaviour. See some examples here…

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