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Do You Understand Your Survey Results? New

Many companies spend considerable amounts of money on customer and employee surveys every year. The survey results are used to amend strategies, design new products and services, focus improvement activities, target staff development activities and … to celebrate success.

The question is: Can we always rely on what we see?


Do You Understand Your Survey Results?

Many companies spend considerable amounts of money on customer and employee surveys every year. The survey results are used to amend strategies, design new products and services, focus improvement activities, target staff development activities and … to celebrate success.

The question is: Can we always rely on what we see?


Don’t Automate, Obliterate!

Our business simulation is intended to show the business impact of improving and even redesigning a rather simple business process – the effect of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). Basic yet powerful tools come to play. Process KPIs as well as customer satisfaction and customer KPIs are a gauge for the degree of improvement. We have been running this simulation nearly a hundred times with teams from different industries.


Recognising The Coach-able Moment

In a coaching or mentoring relationship, finding the right moment for performing the coaching is critical. Often, coaching attempts go wrong because the moment is just not right. But, how do you know whether it is a good time for coaching? Just ask yourself whether you have the right essentials for coaching someone.


Revisiting Management by Walking About (MBWA)

Some twenty years ago, just after I was hired by General Electric Capital and tasked to implement something as strange to a bank as continuous improvement in their newly acquired, yet dusty German banking environment, life was not walk in the park anymore. Gaining the skills for the new job with the help of the outstanding GE Capital people development engine was challenging but rewarding. But I never learned about Management by Walking About (MBWA).


No One Makes Mistakes on Purpose

“Bob is not doing his job. Always mistakes. What should I do with him?”
“Mary has messed up our relationship with a key client. I had to step in to save the day.”

Having done a multitude of projects in all kinds of private and public organisations, we have frequently encountered these and other remarks by managers about their staff.

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