Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one of the newer concepts for making our business and personal life easier. And this is not that difficult to implement.
Why Should We Partner With Robots?
- requesting and collecting data for report compilation,
- data transfers to other business units, clients, suppliers or government agencies,
- processing large data operations like payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable,
- handling of online orders for ecommerce businesses,
- onboarding, offboarding, leave and benefits calculation and processing and many more

RPA – A New Name for an Old Concept
For example, we have rules working in the email system to auto respond to certain messages from defined senders or with certain text in subject or body or just to let everyone know that we are on vacation.

These rules save time and help automating repeating tasks that otherwise would have been done manually by humans the same way every day. Now we call this kind of solution RPA. RPA is a form of process automation where software robots mimic humans doing routine tasks without human intervention with higher speed and greater accuracy, that is, free from human errors.

A great advantage of RPA is its simplicity because it does not need any programming skills to define rules for the email system or recording macros in MS Excel.
As a result, with minimal training, nearly everyone can program and execute the available RPA tools to make their life easier, be it in the office or at home.
RPA is Easy – Do You Really Need It?
Studying processes in all kinds of public and private organisations, one finding is ubiquitous. We spend a significant amount of our working hours on activities we call non-value-added. Non-value-added means that the process customer does not really care whether this is being done or not.

For this and many other activities, process improvement or reengineering should be done before considering Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Michael Hammer once quipped “Automating a mess yields an automated mess!”
RPA Needs Change Management

So, this requires a change management plan that does not only take care of the change of the process but, more importantly, of the change for the people. These prople will appreciate when they undergo some job redesign after someone talked to them about their career opportunities.
- RPA is cheaper than humans doing the same work. A software robot costs much less than one FTE (full-time-equivalent employee) and can perform the job of multiple FTE.
- RPA can execute repeating activities much faster than humans. Humans are taken out of this part of the process.
- This makes RPA working virtually error-free. This only applies if process owner and stakeholder have successfully transferred the job to the RPA software. This must include all variants of the process.

Preparing a process for RPA involves studying it regarding its steps and the polices governing them. This seems to be a superb opportunity for applying Lean Six Sigma or Lean Innovation before letting the software run it.
Finally, do not forget to manage the change!
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