Jeremy was deputy department head at a medium size educational institution. We met Jeremy when we went through a series of Lean Six Sigma projects together with the objective to make their operations lean.…
Jeremy was deputy department head at a medium size educational institution. We met Jeremy when we went through a series of Lean Six Sigma projects together with the objective to make their operations lean.…
Jeremy was deputy department head at a medium size educational institution. We met Jeremy when we went through a series of Lean Six Sigma projects together with the objective to make their operations lean.…
“Tell me about an occasion when you introduced an idea to do the work in a different way. Can you elaborate, please?” is often the opening question during our competency-based…
It Starts with Hiring the Right Attitude About Competency-Based Interviewing “Tell me about an occasion when you introduced an idea to do the work in a different way. Can you…
The digital revolution not only opens up new opportunities for how organisations arrange work and structure themselves, but it also necessitates new ways of working and leading high performing teams…
The digital revolution not only opens up new opportunities for how organisations arrange work and structure themselves, but it also necessitates new ways of working and leading high performing teams…
During my time at one public service organisation in Singapore, I recognised one day that I had a problem calling my staff by their name. Even worse, I did not know anything about my more junior level officers. Of course, I met my managers and deputies quite often. But, some of the executives I did not have any chance to engage in a chat with.…
Recently, I had coffee with Edward, an old friend – or better: one of my mentors. He is approaching seventy and yet is in the pink of health. So I asked whether he plays golf 24/7. His response came a bit as a surprise.…
At some point in a mentoring relationship, the need for a difficult conversation will arise. Whereas every conflict is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all advice, there tend to be patterns to what goes wrong, and what helps. …
When Odysseus gave the task of protecting, guiding and educating his son Telemachus to his old friend Mentor, he did this knowing that Mentor would be the best person possible to care for his only son during his absence from Greece. Since then, Mentor is synonymous for someone who is willing and able to provide guidance and support to bring out his Mentee’s very best – without any other personal agenda.…
“Uwe, what is your career vision?” was Steve’s first question during my job interview many years ago. As a German I was not really prepared for this kind of question. …
Thinking ahead is a cardinal rule of business. In addition to monitoring the daily operations of your business, you need to think about the future. And, as difficult as it may be, it’s important to envision the day when you no longer will be in charge. …