Genealogy of Mentoring
When Homer’s Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, entrusted his son Telemachus to his old friend Mentor as he left for the Trojan War, he did not know that this act would help give birth to a powerful intervention for personal and professional growth of young people.
Nowadays, about 2500 years after Homer, we call this intervention Mentoring.

Reverse mentoring pairs younger professionals with senior, often older staff to mentor them on various topics of professional and personal relevance.
Here is a personal encounter of reverse mentoring by Amy BC Tan.
Being Under Reverse Mentoring
As I embarked on my PhD research at the University of Twente in the field of Organisational Behaviour, Change Management and Consultancy, I had two promoters, Prof. dr. Celeste Wilderom and Dr. Desirée Van Dun.

Reverse Mentoring – Beyond Knowledge and Skills


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