Lean Six Sigma is a powerful toolbox combining data and process analysis and subsequently solution development. If solutions need to be created because existing alternatives do not address the root causes identified, creativity and innovation are required. Because Lean Six Sigma is weak in such situations, we have added Creative Problem-Solving tools to design our Lean Innovation Training (LIT). More about LIT.
This is a five-day course including project work to deliver measurable results. If you are looking for a two-day course, try our Innovation and Change workshop for managers or our Innovation and Productivity workshop for all staff. If you cannot spare two days, our one-day CHL simulation is for you.
As seen in the figure, our Lean Innovation Training (LIT) consists of four training sessions with coaching in between. The first session spreads over two days and will (a) teach a solid set of tools, (b) select projects for applying these tools and (c) inspire people to participate.
And, the first session, the introductory workshop, is open to management and staff with up to 30 pax. The subsequent one-day sessions, on the other hand, will only be open for project teams working on their projects.
The focus of our LIT is on application and producing measurable process improvements whilst inspiring people that they “can innovate”. Therefore, it is powered by action-learning and includes 90min of project specific coaching per team after each training session.
More often than not, innovation is not on everybody’s radar screen. Part of the reason might be that your organisation is not Apple or Google where people expect innovation to be a strong part of their DNA and hence, their job. To “measure the pulse” of the workforce regarding their stand on innovation, we deploy COE’s Innovation Readiness Survey (IRS) measuring the readiness for innovation.
The term “readiness” refers to individuals’ feelings, beliefs, and intentions about potential change. It also includes the organisational capability and capacity of its successful implementation (Amy BC Tan et al, 2020).
Firstly, the individual readiness to innovation describes the extent to which individuals accept, embrace and adopt a plan to purposefully alter the status quo, his/her psychological state and own sense of identity for job performance that facilitate or inhibit innovation.
Secondly, on the work environment readiness side, we refer to a set of organisational variables which are crucial to create the drive and momentum for the innovation.
If you are interested in finding out the Individual or Group Innovation Readiness at your Organisation, please contact us at InnoReady@COE-Partners.com. Then, we will be able to provide more details about the survey topics, sample reports as well as ideas for interventions, should the need arise.
This survey is part of a research project with the University of Twente in the Netherlands and is conducted using COE’s Investing in People (iiP) System.
Our Lean Innovation Training starts with a two-day Define workshop, an introductory workshop, that features our powerful process innovation role-play CHL in experiential learning style. All participants play out jobs at a courier service company and their customers whilst applying tools to understand customers’ requirements, measure their satisfaction and own performance, improve the process by applying some innovation tools.
The second day is spent on identifying problem areas in their own work processes, defining corresponding projects including problem statements, objectives, sponsor, project leader and team.
As a result, objectives of this workshop are:
On these two days, a selection of Lean Six Sigma and Creative Problem Solving tools are taught. At the end of the session, problem statement and objective (project charter), customer feedback plan and metrics are delivered.
The following LSS tools may be covered in this workshop: Project Charter, Voice of the Customers (VOC), Kano Analysis, SIPOC, 7 Wastes, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Takt Time, Visual Management.
The following CPS tools may be included in this workshop: Future Scenario, Webbing, SCAMPER, Analogies, Forced Connection, Reverse Brainstorming.
Day three of our Lean Innovation Training, teaches basic tools for data collection, data analysis and visualisation as well as process analysis. And, the tool selection is tailored for the issues in scope
At the end of the session, the vital few root causes are determined as the basis for solutioning.
Depending on the issues at hand, this session could feature the following process analysis tools: SIPOC, Spaghetti Flow Chart for identifying movements, Deployment Flow Chart for identifying hand-offs and Value Stream Mapping for identifying non-value added steps or combinations of those.
Depending on the issues at hand, this session might feature the following data analytics tools: Data Plots (bar, column, box scatter plots), Basic Hypothesis Testing, Basic Regression Analysis and Analytical Storytelling.
This one-day training session covers basic tools for generating solution ideas as well as prioritising and selecting solutions.
At the end of the session, the vital few root causes are addressed with solution proposals.
This workshop could include the following Creativity and Innovation tools: Idea Box, Webbing, SCAMPER, Analogies, Forced Connections, Reverse Brainstorming, Effort-Impact-Matrix and Implementation Plan.
The last day of our Lean Innovation Training includes basic tools for planning the change and making it last.
At the end of the session, solutions have been implemented and methods for sustaining the gains are in place.
This session typically features the following tools: Case for Change, Stakeholder Analysis, Force Field Analysis, Solution-Effect-Analysis and Communication Plan.
After all, the focus of our LIT is on application and producing measurable process improvements.
Lastly, our Lean Innovation Training caters for management, supervisors and individual contributors who will innovate how the work gets done.
Our LIT includes powerful lean tools to identify the need and opportunities for innovation. Hence, state-of-the-art innovation techniques are taught to turn these opportunities into solutions for lean processes.
Before the workshop, a survey is conducted to measure participants’ innovation potential. The findings are used to finetune and customise the workshop contents.
Above all, do not underestimate the project specific coaching after each training session. This increases the chance for success drastically.
In conclusion, this five-day Lean Innovation Training will help:
Among others, our Lean Innovation Training covers:
However, for in-house deployments, the selection of tools will be customised for the project issues at hand.
Follow Lean Six Sigma Nuggets through your project.
Project leaders and team members who wish to apply Lean and Innovation tools in their organisation.
A Lean Innovation Toolkit will be issued to all participants. It features a handy set of cards with how-to reminders for the most common tools.