Introducing Data Analytics and Data Science into Your Organisation with Carefully Crafted Workshops.
Introducing Data Analytics and Data Science into Your Organisation with Carefully Crafted Workshops.
Nowadays, plenty of data is available in all parts of any organisation. However, data is of no use to the firm if it is not turned into information and business relevant insights. Therefore, the demand for Data Analytics (Data Science) has grown dramatically. Only with that, data has the power to support tactical and strategic decisions in all walks of an organisation.
Hence, organisational development benefits from having data-driven insights available to replace gut-feeling-driven decisions with those founded on data. And, this can only take place, if staff at more or less all levels know the basics of data analytics and data science. Additionally, for some of them, the data science experts (Green Belts and Black Belts), a comprehensive data analytics training in a set of tailored data analytics courses is necessary.
COE offers the following programmes that can be delivered using data sets for different industries. (See also our Lean Six Sigma programmes.)
For an in-house Data Analytics course, the composition of tools is customisable:
All workshops use case data from textbook “Data Analytics for Organisational Development“.
Firstly, this briefing is an essential session to deliver a broad, high-level executive summary. And, it serves to harmonise enterprise understanding of the topics data analytics and data science. Consequently, it covers the benefits and how an organisation can maximise these benefits to deliver tangible bottom-line performance.
The following topics are part of the agenda, among others:
Ideally it also provides a forum to align senior management business challenges to the desired outcome of the whole programme.
Secondly, our Data Analytics (Data Science) Yellow Belt Workshop is to equip participants with an understanding of the principles and some basic tools of Data Analytics. Hence, after the workshop, you will be able to conduct work effectively as part of a team on respective projects.
Data Analytics Yellow Belts learn how to:
Additionally, our Data Analytics Yellow Belt workshop provides hands-on experience in using the powerful MS Excel Data Analytics ToolPak and MS Power BI visualisations tools to analyse a multitude of data.
This workshop uses training data sets and provides some time-slots for application on your own data sets.
Thirdly, our Data Science Green Belt Workshop is to equip participants with in-depth knowledge and skills in principles, tools and methods of Data Analytics. Hence, after the workshop, you will be able to perform intermediary data analyses and lead data analytics teams on respective projects following the Data Analytics project phases (see below).
Data Analytics Green Belts learn how to:
Additionally, our Data Analytics Green Belt course provides hands-on experience in using powerful tools such as MS Excel Data Analytics ToolPak, MS Power BI visualisations as well as SigmaXL, Minitab and/or R to analyse various data sets. This data analytics course uses training data sets and provides comfortable time-slots for application on your own data sets, coached by our trainer.
Classroom learning will be supported by coaching sessions and homework.
Lastly, our Data Science Black Belt Workshop is to equip participants with an understanding of the principles and some basic to advanced tools of Data Analytics. Hence, after the workshop, you will be able to conduct work effectively to lead respective projects.
Data Analytics Black Belts learn how to:
Additionally, our Data Analytics Black Belt course provides hands-on experience in using powerful tools such as MS Excel Data Analytics ToolPak, MS Power BI visualisations as well as SigmaXL, Minitab and/or R to analyse a multitude of data. This data analytics course uses training data sets and provides comfortable time-slots for application on your own data sets, coached by our trainer.
Classroom learning will be supported by coaching sessions and homework.
Furthermore, formal Data Analytics certification has become a valuable credential in the marketplace, because certification illustrates that candidates have done more than merely completing the training. Hence, they have truly demonstrated comprehension and application of Data Analytics methodology, tools, and techniques.
In addition to our training programmes, we also offer the option of formal certification. This means, after completing the training programme, Data Analytics Green/Black Belt candidates undergo an exam. Through that, they demonstrate results on using data for preparing and recommending business decisions in order to be formally certified.
All workshops use case data from textbook “Data Analytics for Organisational Development“.
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