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Competency Profiling and Development

About Competencies

Competencies are the skills, knowledge and attitude that lead to successful job performance. In summary, core competencies, leadership competencies and functional competencies make a complete set of competencies, a competency framework, for any organisation. Additionally, functional competency profiles consist of generalist and professional tracks.

For each competency there is a description of expected behaviours and the required performance standard. They are often defined by job level. Competencies are intended to be discrete and cumulative. With each level building on the levels below i.e. a person demonstrating a competency at level 3 should be demonstrating levels 1 and 2 as a matter of course.

Hence, these indicators of behaviour provide a clear sense of what is expected from individuals in an organisation.

Competency Framework

Firstly, core competencies are critical behaviours incapsulating an organisation’s mission, vision, values and strategic priorities. All members of an organisation need to show the appropriate behaviour.

Secondly, leadership competencies are critical behaviours anyone holding supervisory positions in an organisation should adhere to.

Lastly, functional Competencies include the “know-how” expected of every position holder. They usually describe the behavioural indicators, job knowledge and technical skills that officers require to perform their daily roles efficiently and effectively.

Competency Profiling

Competency profiling is the process of identifying, defining and validating those competencies that lead to high performance in a particular job. It is believed that these competencies help to predict good performance. If people possess these competencies they should be able to deliver the required business outcome.

When profiling competencies, good performers and “bad” perfomers serve as models. The assumption is that some characteristics distinguish good performers from those who do not perform to expectations. Those characteristics are used to develop competencies.

Competencies are written for the future, i.e. future expectations to the job holders are important to know  and to mould into the competencies.

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