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Centre for Organisational Effectiveness

Architect of High Performing Organisations

Practice Area: Customers

Methods and tools in our practice area “Customers” help our clients to understand their customers’ requirements. Customers can be internal and external. This means we support clients by running Engagement Surveys, Pulse Surveys and surveys for external customers.

As a result, they are able to translate them into measurable CTQ (Critical to Quality indicators). Additionally, we support our clients in implementing strategic changes as a result of changing customer needs.

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COE's Approach & Lego Serious Play

Practice Area: Operations

Our practice area Operations includes all activities that help clients to increase efficiency and effectiveness to the benefit of customers, partners, staff and the firm.

We have experience in applying a variety of approaches such as Business Process Re-engineering, Lean Six Sigma and Innovation.

Our team is at their best when they can customise these approaches to the needs of our clients.

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COE's Approach Explained by Audrey Chin

Practice Area: Enablers

Enablers includes all facets of recruiting, developing, appraising, coaching and mentoring of staff for any organisation.

Competency profiling, job redesign or change management are part of our toolbox as well as coaching, mentoring, 360° assessment, competency development and career planning.

Usually, we work through your leaders by enabling them to perform these activities with their teams.

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Competency-based Interviewing

Integrated Approach

Our integrated service delivery usually starts with a Diagnose phase to assess the situation and the status quo. After that, we are able to Design an approach that suits our client’s situation and requirements best. We do not have off-the-shelf solutions, since there are no off-the-shelf clients.

If the approach is clear, we can start Developing solutions for our client’s issues. Deploy is the phase that covers the implementation of the solutions. Part of the approach should always be some measures to make improvements last. In our Sustain phase, we take care of these.

Going through the different phases of our service model, we integrate activities across our practice areas flawlessly. Our customer data analysis specialists work together with our process gurus (usually Master Black Belts in Lean Six Sigma) and our HR experts (experienced HR leaders). All this to the benefit of our clients.

Our service delivery, be it consulting, training or coaching, usually includes hands-on activities. Therefore, clients are highly engaged and the knowledge is transferred easily. These activities include business simulations, case studies, business games, LegoSeriousPlay and more.

We pride ourselves in our ability to provide Holistic Integration (CN, VN) of our practice areas for our work with our clients.

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