Our DISC awareness workshop – we call it DISCovery Workshop – aims to achieve multiple objectives:
This deck of Cards shows about 25 cards per DISC profile. It can be used for kicking off a DISCovery workshop in a rather light-hearted way. It can be turned into an icebreaker that leads straight into the topic of the day.
DISC profiles stand for a set of personal preferences that tend to drive our behaviour. When people with different profiles try to communicate, they might experience different preferences between themselves and the other party.
For example, people with a strong D-profile like to go straight to the point. They do not appreciate small talk and find this a waste of their time. No BS, please.
To the contrary, people with a strong I-profile value personal relationship and may find it rude not to “warm up” the counterpart with some small talk before getting into a business discussion.
Playing with our DISC cards often helps to uncover and reveal this kind of reasons for communication breakdown. And, it is fun – even for the Ds.
Some examples of our DISC Cards are shown here:
In conclusion, these more than 100 cards will help anyone who wants to highlight personal preferences of themselves or others in a fun way.
Try it. Have fun.
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