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Building Bridges Between People

with COE’s Bridging Cards

Building Bridges Between People

A Set of “Bridging Cards” Ready for Creating Meaningful and Fun Conversations

“Do you have a fun ice breaker for starting my day?” is a question a trainer may ask from time to time. Our bridging cards may be the aid you are looking for to help building bridges between the participants.

The ice breaker is supposed to trigger a meaningful yet non-business related conversation and put a smile on people’s face at the same time. And, it must be fun but not childish, too.

Certainly, we got something for you: Why don’t you try our Bridging Cards to meet these objectives.

Consequently, with these cards I always have a back-up plan when other ice breakers are not appropriate or used already.

Bridging Cards 01

Use COE’s Bridging Cards for Breaking the Ice

This deck of Cards shows about 100 questions you don’t normally ask in a business-like conversation. This fact alone generates a small surprise and let’s people relax.

Therefore, our “Poker Cards” show questions that usually lead to a positive conversation. It is normally very nice talking about “favourite hobbies”, “travel destinations” or small “secrets” people do not know about each other.

By doing so participants are put into their comfort zone, their favourite spot where they can relax and let the hair down.

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In other words, what could be a better start for a otherwise dry business meeting or a workshop where full attention is key.

Some examples of our Cards are shown here:

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In conclusion, these more than 100 cards will help anyone who wants to relax participants before or during meetings or workshops. There is no problem with “playing” this Bridging Card game multiple times with the same group because the chance to receive the same question is pretty low.

And, this game has been especially helpful during times of virtual meetings or trainings when other ice breakers are out.

Try it. Have fun.

Buy directly from us at SGD 50. Contact us at

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