Tan ABC, van Dun DH, Wilderom CPM. What leader behaviors evoke employee innovative work behavior in Asia? Validation of a new survey scale. Journal of Management & Organization. Published online 2024:1-29.
Tan, A. B. C., Van Dun, D. H. and Wilderom, C. (2023), Lean innovation training and transformational leadership for employee creative role identity and innovative work behavior in a public service organization in International Journal of Lean Six Sigma.
Kaufmann, Uwe H.; Tan, Amy BC: Automatisierung von Prozessen mit Robotic-Software. In: H. J. Thomann, T. Träger (Hrsg.): Qualitätsmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen (QMD), 80. Ergänzungslieferung, TÜV Media 2022.
Uwe H Kaufmann, Amy Tan BC: Data Science für Einsteiger. Fall: Welcher Lieferant hat die bessere Produktqualität? QZ-Online.de and QZ Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit 10/2021.
Kaufmann, Uwe H.; Tan, Amy BC: Was sagen unsere Patientenzufriedenheitswerte? In: N. Herbig / S. Poppelreuter (Hrsg.): Qualitätsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen (QMG), 56. Ergänzungslieferung, TÜV Media 2021.
Kaufmann, Uwe H.: Total Quality Management nach Lean Six Sigma. In: H. J. Thomann, T. Träger (Hrsg.): Qualitätsmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen (QMD), 69. Ergänzungslieferung, TÜV Media 2020.
Kaufmann, Uwe H.: Total Quality Management nach Six Sigma. In: Kai Höhmann (Hrsg.): Der Qualitätsmanagement-Berater (QMB), Grundwerk, TÜV Media 2018.
Uwe H Kaufmann: Six Sigma in Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Across Cultures – Theory and Practices. Springer 2016.
Amy Tan, Uwe H Kaufmann: Aligning the HR Plan to Business Strategy in hrm Magazine, Issue 16.06, June 2016.
Uwe H Kaufmann: Increasing Productivity by Living Our Values in “TRAINING BUZZ. Issue 7, July 2015. Civil Service Training Institute. Republic of Maldives.
Uwe H Kaufmann: Teure Fehlentscheidungen billig erkauft. Qualitätsmanagement und Qualitätssicherung – QZ-online. Carl Hanser 2012.
Amy BC Tan, Uwe H Kaufmann: Forget Your Sixth Sense, Six Sigma Can Take Care of Business. Published on Human Resource Manager International in June 2011, PDF
Amy BC Tan: Recruiting the Right Mindset. Published on www.humanresourcesonline.net/news/26339 in 2011, PDF
This book is a Practical Guide to starting your Data Science Journey. Available on Amazon UK, Amazon SG, Amazon DE and others from July 2021 in English language by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Managerial decisions are still often based on ‘gut feelings’ instead of clear facts. While this can be helpful depending on your intuition, more often than not, for most of us this doesn’t yield the optimal results.
In today’s world, tools that enable leaders and other change agents to make evidence-based decisions are increasingly available. Yet, many do not have the knowledge to implement these cutting-edge tools in order to be able to put forward necessary organisational changes. If you are among these people, who wish to turn raw data into beneficial information for change management and organisational development, then this book is for you.
This book is available under the following ISBN:
ISBN 978-1-119-75833-4 (hardback) ISBN 978-1-119-75837-2 (ePub)
ISBN 978-1-119-75831-0 (ePDF) ISBN 978-1-119-75832-7 (Obook)
This book is a Practical Guide to a Powerful Approach for Improving Quality and Productivity. 2018. Available on Amazon.com. Video.
A financial service provider faces client attrition. Hence, with this comes a decrease in revenue and market share due to process problems. Throughout the book, the project work and especially the application of typical Lean Six Sigma tools are elaborated using this case. At the end, a drastically enhanced process landscape leads to increased client satisfaction. A boost in loyalty brings lasting improvement in business results.
This book carries the following ISBN: Hardcover-ISBN 978-1-5437-4464-4, Softcover-ISBN 978-1-5437-4463-7, eBook -ISBN 978-1-5437-4465-1.
Additionally, download Excel Files, PowerPoint Presentations in PDF from here. Password: Lean Six Sigma Nuggets, page 80, last paragraph, second word.
Leadership Competencies: Development Options Guide Cards. 2016. Available on Amazon.
This deck of leadership competency development options should aid any person, at any organisation, with management responsibility. Therefore, it includes a broad range of leadership competencies that help leaders perform in their roles of developing self and others. These competencies are a result of our work with various public and private organisations and contain some of the most essential competencies needed today.
In conclusion, these 55 competencies and development options will help leaders who have recognised a specific developmental need and wish to improve themselves.
Buy from Amazon or buy directly from us at SGD 75. Contact us at Shop@COE-Partners.com.
Lean Innovation Training facilitators may need some help especially when they are not yet familiar with all the new and fancy tools. Therefore, we have put together a set of handy A5 size cards that make our Lean Innovation Toolkit with how-to instructions for applying the most common tools.
This kit also serves as handout to participants of the Lean Innovation Training who wish to apply these tools in their future work.
Get this toolkit directly from us. Contact us at Shop@COE-Partners.com.
Our set of cards for “Building Bridges” comprises of about 100 cards with 100 questions that are to be used for engaging casual conversation between people who might know each other or not. They are used at the beginning of an event or later to trigger interesting conversation and some laughter.
Remember, a Quality Conversation helps build a Quality Relationship, and that is the start for success stories.
Buy directly from us at SGD 50. Contact us at Shop@COE-Partners.com.
Our set of cards for your next “DISCovery Workshop” comprises of about 100 cards with about 25 characteristics per DISC trait,
Buy directly from us at SGD 70. Contact us at Shop@COE-Partners.com.
Dieses Buch ist ein praktischer Ratgeber, um in Data Analytics und Data Science einzutauchen. Es ist auf Amazon DE und anderen Buchlieferanten ab März 2021 verfügbar. Dieses Buch ist deutschsprachig und von Carl Hanser GmbH & Co KG herausgegeben.
Die Datenflut beherrschbar machen: Schnell und sicher navigieren, Potenziale erkennen.
Kein Unternehmen kann es sich leisten, Datenanalyse zu ignorieren! Dieses Werk zeigt, wie Daten analysiert werden können und wie daraus Schlussfolgerungen für die Unternehmensstrategie abgeleitet werden können.
In jedem Unternehmen werden heute in großem Umfang Daten generiert, die die Grundlage für wichtige Entscheidungen bilden können. Bevor aus den Daten Schlussfolgerungen abgeleitet werden können, sind die Daten in zuverlässiger und reproduzierbarer Weise zu erfassen, auf Fehler und grobe Abweichungen zu prüfen und zu säubern sowie statistisch zu analysieren und für Managementpräsentationen vorzubereiten.
Der Leser erhält hierfür eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung und er erfährt, wie aus rohen Daten zuverlässige Informationen werden.
Dieses Buch ist unter den folgenden ISBN registriert:
Hardcover 978-3-446-46348-6, eBook 978-3-446-46677-7.
Werkzeuge und Beispiele (Deutsch) Hardcover. Available on Amazon DE from 2012 by Hanser.
A financial service provider faces client attrition. Hence, with this comes a decrease in revenue and market share due to process problems. Throughout the book, the project work and especially the application of typical Lean Six Sigma tools are elaborated using this case. At the end, a drastically enhanced process landscape leads to increased client satisfaction. A boost in loyalty brings lasting improvement in business results.
Additionally, Excel Files, PowerPoint Presentations in PDF are provided on DVD.
This book carries the following ISBN: Hardcover- ISBN 978-3-446-42703-7, eBook-ISBN 978-3-446-43151-5.
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